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Why Not Being Able to lose Weight is NOT Your Fault

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  • Why Not Being Able to lose Weight is NOT Your Fault

I had a unique problem growing up. I couldn’t put on any weight. I know, poor me.

But all of that changed when I got pregnant and started my family. After that point, I put on a lot of weight. Like over 50 pounds worth. So there I was, I just turned 30 and started learning what I needed to do to lose weight.


I never knew how crazy the MIS-information was out there. The frauds, the “Get THIN quick” schemes, the magic pills, magic equipment and crazy crash diets that were all over the place. The worst part is that whenever I began researching weight loss tips I started to get nothing but online ads popping up about weight loss.

Of course, 99.999999% of these products were pushing get thin quick solutions.

It just lead to more and more confusion for me. It was really frustrated as well because I was used to researching health articles related to natural remedies holistic lifestyle solutions so I was well-equipped to sniff out all of the BS out there. It just got unbearably smelly after a while.

So, I said all of that to let you know that I know the frustration you may be feeling. I also know that many of you are not able to sniff out the BS claims made by really slick marketing campaigns by these major companies.

I also know that there are legitimate reasons why you jump from diet to diet, strategy to strategy, weight loss trick to weight loss trick. I’ve seen it with people very close to me and I am 100% sure that I am speaking to women who are either in that cycle or know of someone in that cycle.

I am here to let you know that…

Your lack of weight loss success IS NOT YOUR FAULT

You Have Been Lied to by the Diet Cartel Industry

Let’s face it. The diet industry doesn’t care about you. Let me repeat…


It is one of the most competitive industries out there. It is cut throat. It’s very survival and success banks on your INABILITY to lose weight. Think about it for a second.

If you joined a diet system like Weight Watchers or NutriSystem and lost all the weight you needed to lose would you still need them or their products? Probably not (their food is pretty gross anyway).

Ok, What if 100,000 women joined that system and lost all the weight they needed and stopped using their product? Can you imagine how much money they would lose?

Their trick is to get you to lose just enough weight for you to continue to NEED them.

So, what they do to accomplish this is LIE to you. Over and Over again.

They lie to you about what it means to be healthy, they lie about the success you can see, they lie about you needing to use their products, they lie about the REAL solution for permanent weight loss.

In a way, I don’t blame them because they have to. It’s a business after all.

But remember, there are only 3 main factors to permanent weight loss for women…

The food you eat, your hormones and your lifestyle. These 3 factors are intertwined and if they are solved together you won’t have to worry about yo-yo diets or the dreaded weight loss-weight gain cycle.

The major diet systems, programs and products out there only focus on 1 of those factors, which means that you will continue your diet merry-go-round.

Because Your Lifestyle is Crazy

That sounds kind of harsh. Maybe your lifestyle is wonderful, and I hope it is. But a major part of the reason why you can’t lose weight does have a lot to do with your lifestyle.

The food you eat and your level of stress throughout the day impacts your hormones, mainly the stress hormone called “cortisol”.

During high stress times your cortisol levels rise and cause higher insulin levels which then drops your blood sugar levels and makes you crave sugary and fatty foods. This is why they are called “Comfort Foods”.

Just have a bit of will power you say? 

Well, this is a physiological response and is perfectly normal and natural. Unfortunately, this also ties in with emotional eating, which is more psychological in nature, but there are still some connections.

All in all, more stress = more cortisol. And more cortisol = higher need for sugar and fat.

Because Medicine Throws Everything Off Balance

This actually ties in a lot with the above sections. Many people, especially women, take stress drugs and weight related drugs for conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety and depression.

Some of these medications include Paxil, Depakote, Prozac, Remeron, Zyprexa, Deltasone, Thorazine, Elavil, Insulin, Birth Control, Celexa, Zoloft, Luvox, Clozaril, Lithium, Seroquel, Risperdal, Amaryl, Glucotrol, Micronase, Diabeta, Starlix, Actos, Prandin, Sectral, Tenormin, Lopressor, Toprol XL, Indeal…

Studies have actually shown that up to 15% of weight issues are directly related to medications.

Does that mean you can never lose weight if you are on one of those medications? NO.

All that means is that you have to be aware of where to compensate in other areas. So, if you are on a medication that you are taking that may cause weight gain you would have to look into your food intake and see how you can alter things to continue the medication and still lose weight.

Also, when you start to actually address the 3 main weight loss factors (food intake, hormones, lifestyle), you will find that these issues start to naturally reduce.

For instance, if you take medications because of stress or mood altering drugs, lifestyle changes can reduce and eliminate the need for the drug. Also, if you’re on a drug for blood pressure, you can simply reduce or eliminate the need for that drug by incorporating better food into your diet and reducing stress.

Because You Gained Wait Too Early in Life

If you are struggling with losing weight and have had weight issues in your youth your weight loss will have to be approached differently than the next woman.

Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that girls who were overweight by 8 years-old had a harder time losing weight when they became teenagers even though they ate fewer calories than thinner teenagers.

That means that the simple calorie in/calorie out model doesn’t always apply.

Remember, your weight loss has a lot to do with your food but it also has to do with your external and internal environment.

If you are a woman reading this who had weight issues as a youth and are trying to lose weight now, I am appealing to you to address all 3 of the weight loss factors. It is critical to your weight loss success.

There is a lot of information out there about the hormonal and lifestyle impacts on weight gain and weight loss. 


The solution to losing weight and keeping it off is simple. It really only comes down to 3 factors; Food Intake, Hormones and Lifestyle.

The tricky thing is balancing these 3 factors and how to implement them in your life so that they effectively coexist and work for your weight loss.

I have created a whole system around this. Please check out the thinontime.com products page to learn more.

It’s an extremely comprehensive system and you can get a lot of powerful information or free.

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