What Work Week Weight Loss is All About

Welcome. I’m Noura Lorraine a certified health and wellness coach. I’m the founder of the Work Week Weight Loss system. Do you ask yourself these questions?

  • How am I supposed to lose weight when I have 0 time for myself?
  • Why does it seem like some women can eat whatever they want and never gain weight?
  • Why do I have to waste so much money on crappy frozen “diet” food to lose weight?
  • Is it possible to live a normal life, lose weight and not have it consume all my time?

If so, you’re at the right place. This whole site is dedicated to busy women who want to lose weight but can’t find the time to do it because of their hectic schedules and lifestyles. Have you ever heard of the 3rd shift? If not, google it, because it’s a very real phenomenon and one that has direct links to our weight loss success/failures, self-esteem, and mental health.

Here’s how the Work Week Weight Loss philosophy can help you start losing weight without extreme dieting or exercise… Right Now

We live in times of easy access to A LOT of stuff.

With information and healthy food options so easy accessible you’d think that losing weight and maintaining weight loss would be easy.

But are you getting the results you want?

You probably already have all the ingredients you need to lose weight right in your kitchen. You most likely already have the time to do it as well. So what’s stopping you? I’ll tell you…

It’s the fact that most (if not all) of these weight loss products and programs out here only provide cookie cutter weight loss solutions. What ends up happening is that those “solutions” aren’t practical to your specific lifestyle and schedule.

As women, busy or otherwise, we have a unique set of biological requirements and lifestyle requirements that need to be met to most effectively lose weight and easily maintaining it. The problem, is that those requirements are usually ignored.

You know it… The lifestyle you live as a busy woman can’t compare to even that of the busiest man. From family, work, relationships, kids, and the overall daily stress and responsibilities of holding all those things together, create a unique circumstance where just the same old cookie-cutter diet and exercise philosophies don’t work.

Subscribe to the Work Week Weight Loss system here and get a free 3-day mini course specifically designed to show busy women how losing weight can be done with even the most hectic lifestyle.

You’ll get my years of schooling, training, failing and succeeding, all distilled into the most proven practical steps, methods, and tactics so you can weight loss attempts into weight loss successes!

Let Me Fast Track You On The Road To Permanent Weight Loss

And the cool thing is, you’ll actually start seeing results fast.

My email subscribers get my best information and exclusive stuff I may never post on the site, and they take action.

If you are someone who takes action and demands results, then my material is for you.

There Are No Longer Any Excuses

I have a weird (in a good way) way of looking at weight loss for women.

Yes, my passion is to help and educate women to know their value, worth, and to help them through all of the misinformation we’ve been force-fed since childhood. But I live to prove that weight loss is the byproduct of an overall learned lifestyle that doesn’t have to be hard to maintain.

It doesn’t take a lot of money, effort, working out, or anything that you don’t have access to.


Because I want to eliminate your misconceptions and show you that you can live your best life… AND that it’s always been within your reach.

The Work Week Weight Loss will change the way you think about weight loss and provide you with that eye-opening moment you need to finally break through.

If you’re ready to get started then sign up for the email list and let’s get to work…

About Noura Lorraine

The Work Week Weight Loss system was founded by me, Noura Lorraine, a certified health and wellness coach, mother of 2, blogger, author, and product creator.

As a lifelong advocate, my passion for helping women grew from my own struggles, to my schooling (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), to this very site dedicated to helping women overcome weight and health related issues worldwide.

If you're looking for the truth about what it takes to lose weight as a woman with a hectic and busy lifestyle, then you’re going to love my way of thinking and teaching. 

This material works, and the way to get all of my best information is to sign up for the mailing list. You’ll also get my 3-part mini-course completely free.

Subscribe to the Work Week Weight Loss system here and get a free 3-day mini course specifically designed to show busy women how losing weight can be done with even the most hectic lifestyle.