I had a unique problem growing up. I couldn’t put on any weight. I know, poor me. But all of that changed when I got pregnant and started my family. After that point, I put on a lot of weight. Like over 50 pounds worth. So there I was, I just turned 30 and started learning

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You are SO Selfish! I’m sure that just reading that makes you feel a certain kind of negative way. We’ve been programed to think and feel that way from an early age. And its even worse for us women. With being a mother, wife, employee, friend and expected to be the emotional glue that holds the

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Weight loss diets for busy women can come in a variety of forms. I know when I started to look into all the ways to lose weight with a busy schedule I couldn’t believe how much crazy information there was out there. Within about 10 minutes of trying to find information online I found at least

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Once upon a time I dreamt of having children. After getting married I quickly found out that might never happen. Actually, more than one doctor actually told me that it would never happen. As you can imagine, that time was mentally draining and stressful for me. So, as with anyone who dreams of having something that they

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When I began to search for diets that work fast for women I started going down a crazy maze hype and “get-thin-quick” solutions. There were pills, supplements, workouts and other types of diets that involved laxatives and areas I’d like to not read more about. It was not only a web of confusion, but it was

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Breaking a sweet tooth is a little like getting off of hardcore drugs.  Well, maybe not that extreme, but it’s pretty hard.  As a matter of fact, industry professionals do actually call it a “sugar addiction”. But we’ve all been there, and if you say you haven’t, you’re a liar. It’s 2:00pm, your “healthy” lunch starts making

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To all of my gardening friends out there. What happens when you pull a weed out of the ground without removing the root? The weed will keep growing back. To me, that it a perfect analogy to how we address the majority of our health. We feel a certain way and then take something to rid ourselves

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Let’s have a vote.  Which is worse, that annoying coworker a few doors down that’s a pop-culture quote machine OR that nerve-wracking hour you get for your lunch break? For those who only get 30 minutes for lunch, I’m sorry. For those that only get 15 minutes file a class action lawsuit against society because that

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A lot of people make losing weight more difficult than it needs to be. In reality, losing weight is not hard, but there are definite obstacles and hurdles that trip even the most will-powered person. For working moms losing weight can be even more tricky. It’s definitely not impossible, it just takes a little skill to

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