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Diets that Work Fast for Women

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When I began to search for diets that work fast for women I started going down a crazy maze hype and “get-thin-quick” solutions. There were pills, supplements, workouts and other types of diets that involved laxatives and areas I’d like to not read more about.

It was not only a web of confusion, but it was also very eye-opening and sad at the same time.

I realized that there was an entire industry that really wasn’t there to help me lose weight. They couldn’t care less.

They were just drug peddlers with commercials. Nothing more, nothing less.

They fed on my insecurities and they were selling me my dreams of reclaiming my health and figure.

Luckily, I have a background in health and nutrition so I was able to wade through the crap and nonsense that was out there to identify some solutions that were actually helpful to women trying to lose weight.

Remember, these are easy to follow diets that work fast for women and are not gimmicky. That means that you can expand on this program and lose long term weight too. So…

Here are 5 Diets that work fast for women

Vegetarian Diet

Full disclosure: I am not a vegetarian. I tried it before but couldn’t stick to it.

I’m sorry, but my favorite meal is and will always be steak and potatoes. It’s just the type of lady I am.

With that being said…

You can do what I like to call a PT (Part Time) Vegetarian Diet. That’s where you devote a week to 10 days to just rid your system of animal meat.

This is a healthy diets that works quickly because you’ll still be getting the nutrients that you need, but you’ll be able to drop pound pretty quickly.

Now, the reason you’ll lose weight fast is because your body is used to a certain number of calories and calorie sources. So when you replace those sources you’ll be able to lose quick weight within a 1 week to 10 day span.

At that point, you can slowly start to reintroduce meat products into your diets… And I mean slowly.

So after your 10 days is up, don’t head to an all you can eat steak buffet.


Here is one of those quick diets that actually work, but many people stay far, far away from.


Because fasting is tough.  This diet does provide you with a way to fast but still do it in a way where you don’t feel like you’re on the verge of a slow death. 

So how does this work?

Pick a time frame of about 1 week to 10 days on the calendar and dedicate those to your fasting days. When starting out, it’s better to do consecutive days because you want to establish a consistency.

Per day, you are required to fast for 16-20 hours and then you can eat from 4-8 hours.

WHAT!?!? That sounds horrible.

Relax, it’s ok. During your fasting time you can still eat and drink, but they need to be 0-low calorie foods.

This includes:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Water
  • Vegetables

This plan is definitely a commitment, but it is effective and one of the healthy diets that work fast.

The 1500 Calorie Diet

I like this one because unlike the fasting diet you can balance your day out and maintain the same level of energy throughout the day.

I need that energy because I am busy with kids, a husband and work.

I’ll be honest… the last thing anyone around me needs is a hungry me!

I personally implement the 1500 calorie diet pretty frequently. I usually go to a 1500-1700 calorie plan because I think that’s the sweet spot for weight loss and maintenance.

However, 1500 calories is what you should start off at for about 1-2 weeks if you are looking to drop a quick 7-14 pounds. Also, 1500 calories is not really 1500 calories. You don’t count everything you consume. There are tons of different types of food you can have that actually count as 0 calories.

Here’s the beautiful part about a 1500 calorie diet… If you are creative, you can squeeze in A LOT of food throughout the day with 1500 calories. No joking.

Check out my 30-Day Done-For-You Meal Planner to see how much you can fit in. You can also check out my Real World Weight Loss Cookbook for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and dessert recipes too.

Oh, and within 1500 calories, you can have 2-3 substantial meals and 2-3 snack meals too. So you can literally eat throughout the day and still lose weight.

The Smoothie Diet

A smoothie diet for weight loss is great. I think it is one of the best ways to start out because before many women start diets they are nutritionally deficient as it is.

I know I was.

So, doing a smoothie diet will allow you to get the necessary vitamins and minerals you need while also providing the macronutrients you need for energy as well. It is also a great way to detox and balance hormones… Especially the fat burning hormones.

For a super-punch, you can combine the smoothie diet to your 1200 calorie diet. I’ve done that many times.

I would take a huge smoothie I made in the NutriBullet 900 series with me to work and at 1:00pm it would be smoothie time. That smoothie would not only fill me up but instantly improve my mood and energy.

It became something I looked forward to and it helped a lot with weight loss and maintenance.

The Purge Diet

NO…. Not that kind of “purge”.

I’m talking about the purge you should ALWAYS do to your refrigerator, kitchen cabinets and pantry. That means purging all junk food out of the house.

Every last drop.

Every last Snicker, Oreo, Pringles, Alcohol, Soda… Everything.

This is the start from scratch mentality. It’s a little extreme, but it’s very effective.

I did this when I stepped on a scale and couldn’t believe the number I was looking at. I decided, that’s it!

It’s time for a change. And the first thing I did was get it out of site.

Now, when you do this, you have to keep in mind that you are doing this for the purpose of avoiding temptation and more importantly, re-establishing better habits.

It’s not the quickest way to lose weight, but it is a necessary element to success.

So there you have it. Those are 5 diets that work fast for women.

Yes, you can lose weight fast if you exercise and stuff… But, I’m a busy gal and I’m honest with myself. I know I won’t maintain a workout schedule.

If you are like me and are a busy working woman and you would like to discover how to lose weight without crazy “dieting” or exercise, please sign up to my 3-part series where I show you how to lose 10 pounds by next week without food restrictions or exercise.

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